When she noticed the sky had turned pink from the sunset she got worried and said, "oh no, how will it ever get blue again?"
When asked if she would like a cute little horse someday, she said, "I don't want a little one, I want a BIG horse, so I can ride it and say 'Qi Zai Ma'!"
While watching the American Girl movie, Felicity, she got very angry at Jiggy Nye, the bad person, and had this to say: "We'll catch the buhao man and put him in a cage and let him rod!" (We turned off the movie, thinking it was probably a little too scary for her, rod? I think could be translated to rot...no clue how she came up with that in her head, or how she even knows that word?)
When visiting jie-jie Rachael at college she met many of Rachael's college friends, one happened to comment and say how cute she was and that she was so entertaining and just like a toy, Sarah turned around real quick and loudly said, "I'm not a toy!"
While riding in the car, Sarah was less than happy that her Jie-Jie's Yashi and Chrissy were sitting by her, she wanted Rachael as she usually is glued to Rachael whenever we are with her, so she had this to say, "I have THREE jie-jies, and the only two I DIDN'T want to sit by me ARE!"

When she heard my dad telling Rachael about the dangers of car accidents and how she needs to be careful, Sarah told Rachael, "I'll see you in heaven!"
When she saw Chrissy with a bun in her hair, she looked at her and said, "Hey, you like like a???...A PUMPKIN! You're a pumpkin head!" Now when any of us put our hair up in a messy bun she automatically calls us a 'pumpkin head'!
While I was sitting on "her" couch one day, she came over to me and said, "Yashi, you go outside and get lost!"
And a favorite saying of Sarah Lu's is "Ohhhhh.....drama drama drama drama" She'll say it when anyone is being overly dramatic.
While at the Serpent Safari at the Mall, we asked Sarah Lu if she would like to pet the snake... She replied, "Um... I think... I think... Maybe... Maybe Not."


Anonymous said...

1.) Sarah told Dad she would see him in heaven, not me. We just laughed about it.
2.) I taught her to say "Oh drama...". Go me.
3.) You forgot "EXCUSE ME!" yelled any time she's not 110% the center of the world's attention.

...and lastly...funniest thing ever. thanks for doing this staci.

CNA said...

OMG!!! ADORABLE!! LOL!!! So cute!!!


Melanie said...

LOL hahaha, she says so funny things:-) love the "pumpkin head"one and the "yashi, you go outside and get lost" one haha!!

Lexie said...

Omg!! That is too cute! I was laughing the whole time!! HAHAH!

I had the most randomest dream about you and Sarah Lu last night...it was like a dream about y'all being in a talent show?? or sumthing like that...and i was going to go up to y'all and say "My name is Lexie...i am from Bloggerland...do you know me?!" hahah
Dreams are soo weird!!

Nikki said...

Oh my gosh- that's hilarious!!! She sounds SO funny.