Sarah Lu's favorite joke is "Banana Pants!" She heard it on Dora the Explorer and has been saying it ever since. It is absolutely hilarious to her! Oh, Sarah Lu, I love you!
Transcript of the video above:
Interviewer: "Presenting Sarah Lu! What do you have to say today, Sarah Lu?"
Sarah: "Sarah, um- Banana Pants!" (laughs)
Interviewer: "Do you have anything else to say to us?"
Sarah: (shakes head 'yes') "Banana Pants!"(laughs)
Interviewer: "That's a funny joke. Where'd you hear it?"
Sarah: "On Dora the Explorer."
Interviewer: "How does the 'Dora' song go?"
Sarah: (sings) "Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer. We can go for a stroll. Dora, Dora, Dora, Banana Pants!" (laughs)
Interviewer: "You are so funny, Sarah!"
Sarah: (singing) "Banana Pants, Banana Pants, Banana Pants"
Interviewer: "Oh, can you come back and sit down?"
Sarah: "I can do anything."
Interviewer: "Can you tell us about your puppy, please? Tell us about your puppy."
Sarah (as the puppy): "Woof Woof! (laughs) Meow Meow! (laughs) Woof! Meow! Banana Pants! Banana Pants!"
Sarah (as Sarah): "My puppy says 'Banana Pants'!"
Interviewer: "Your puppy is very funny."
Sarah (as puppy): "Banana Pants! Meow! (laughs)"
Sarah (as Sarah): (talking to puppy) "You are funny! (talking to camera) He learns everything that I tell'd him."
Interviewer: "That's a smart dog!"
Sarah (as Sarah): "Mmmhhmm. I'm very smart!"
Interviewer: "Ok, Say 'goodbye' Sarah"
Sarah: "Goodbye!"
Interviewer:"Thank you for coming!"
Sarah: "You're welcome!"


Nikki said...

Hehehee, she is so funny! I love her cute laugh :-D

~Haley~ said...

She is so adorable!

Deb said...

Too cute and funny! Love the video....thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

My daughter's new favorite "joke" is Banana Pants too. She said she saw it on Dora so I googled it to try and see what it was all about and I found your site.

Your daughter is ADORABLE!