After much thought, I've decided to come back to Blogger for Sarah's blog. I really did like Wordpress and what they have to offer, but I enjoy the basic blogger style right now. However, I can't come back to this blog exactly due to running out of bandwidth, SO, from now on Sarah's blog will be at:
Check it out, leave a comment, and be sure to update your links and subscriptions to continue following over there. :)
We were walking out of the grocery store and it was raining outside. Sarah rolls her eyes and says, "Uhh, my hair!" We get into the van and I ask her, "What about your hair, Sarah?" She replies, "It's sick... like icky!" I guess she has heard me say that about my hair before after being in the rain!
While teaching Sarah subtraction, I was using little toys to represent the numbers. There were 3 and I asked her what is 3 minus 2 . Sarah responded with "No! MINE IS two, yours is one!" :-) Instead of using 'minus' I now use 'take away', and she gets it right away! What a smart little girl, she keeps us all laughing!
She had a baton that she got at the dollar store. It was liquid filled and she wasn't too careful with it. In fact, she liked to bang it against things like the walls and doors. We told her it was going to break if she wasn't more careful with it, but she didn't listen. One day, it did break. Liquid started pouring out of it. It had to be thrown away. She came in the room, saw it in the garbage, and told Mom, "But that's been in the family for years!" (Actually, she had it for about three days maximum.)
While driving in the car with the windows rolled down, the wind was blowing on Sarah in the backseat. Sarah was upset about it and said:
"This is no time for drama drama drama. My hair is blowing!"