Today we first went to an antique market. It was very interesting, so many people and so much stuff. I managed to get a cute Diesel purse/bag. I bartered the price down quite a lot, so I think that is pretty cool. After that to get back to our hotel, we took a bike-driven rickshaw. That was really fun! Although, I am not sure if it is really safe to have 3 people on one...Anyway, it was an awesome experience! We got back to the hotel, stayed there for a little while and then we were able to visit a medical foster home called Ping-An. It was really awesome to be able to visit, especially since Sarah Lu was there for some time! What they do is take the children from their orphanages and get them their surgeries, then help them to recover, and wait for them to be adopted, either back at the orphanage, or in foster homes. They currently have seven little kids there, they are all so adorable! I fell in love with all of them!! We even found that some of the babies were originally from Sarah Lu's orphanage! It was SO much fun just to be there and to see and play with the kids and hold the babies!! It was an awesome day, and yet, tomorrow is going to be SO awesome! I can't believe we will actually have Sarah Lu is our arms forever just tomorrow! I will definitely try to post as soon as possible about tomorrow...I Can't wait!!!


Pattie Kelley-Huff said...

We are praying that today will be all that you have prayed for and that with the birth of the sunrise comes the birthing of Sarah into her family as a Singleton forever! Hug her for all of us! You all have made our dinnertime conversations interesting and exciting as we share the updates from China...our friends in an exotic and wonderfully different culture. The kids won't let me come to dinner again until I can explain what a squatty pottie is so I'll have to Google to be sure my intuitions are correct. We give thanks to God for bringing this day to fruition...the day you have dreamed and hoped for and which is priceless for the hearts as God brings together one more child for your family! The waiting is over and now you are free to love her and teach her about Him and His glorious provisions and plans for her life!

We miss you! The office is awfully quiet but things are going quite smoothly.

Keep us updated!

Love, Pattie, Scott and the Huff-ettes (two of which, Mary and Gabby, have chicken pox - Mary for the third time and Gabby for the second). Not sure why we bothered to get the vaccine! ;-)

Carla Davenport said...

Glad to hear all is well with your travels and that Sarah is soon to be yours forever. What hotel are you staying in in Beijing? Is it by chance the Peace Novotel? Just wondering. If so, we can maybe give you some tips on food and shopping. Just let me know.

Carla Davenport